The WTC Programs have 2 components, the Monitoring program and the Treatment program. Monitoring takes place one every 12-18 months to see how you are doing, discuss new onset of illnesses or symptoms and track what has happened since your last visit. If this is the first time you have been to monitoring expect it to take a little longer as the technicians need to get as much information as possible. The treatment program is just that, a program to provide diagnostic testing, medications and treatment for medical and psychological problems. You go as needed. Almost all centers offer both.
FDNY Retirees Win Freedom & Choice
As an FDNY retiree, you may have received a letter or call from the FDNY stating that you must come to them for monitoring and treatment. This is not legal and not correct, and they cannot force you or pressure you to return. If you wish to have monitoring or treatment at any center on this page you are free to do so. If you are in the FDNY program and are happy, we are too. But we want you to know that if you ever wish to change, you have that option. If you ever have a problem, call us!
In regards to monitoring, we recently won a fight to prevent you from being forced back to your former employer for monitoring. The FDNY has no legal basis to do this and it is a disservice to you, the retiree. So if you receive a letter or call from the FDNY, they will only tell you one side, go to them. We want you to know you have a choice! We do not want to see any of you burdened with having to travel back to the FDNY for care, no doctor should think that is rational, but for the FDNY, it is about money. It is not you that they have in mind. So go forward with knowledge.
Live outside NY or NJ?
For a center nearest you outside the NY Metro area, anywhere in the US, please call the toll free number 1-888-702-0630 and sign up today. The national program will get better after legislation is passed. If you have a problem getting help, please call us.
Centers in the NY/NJ & Long Island Area
The following centers are open for both monitoring and treatment in the NY Metro area: